Friday, November 12, 2010

Photo Challenge # 10 - Name This Location

Here's the next photo location for you to guess, can you name the town which features this hilltop monument (and for bonus points what it commemorates)? As before, clicking on the image to enlarge it to look for clues may help. Good luck!


  1. Hi Breakbeat, the monument is connected to a figure from WWI history in central Europe...

  2. it's a monumental tomb in eastern Slovakia

  3. Hi iamakkaika12, it is in Slovakia, but not in the east. It's a mausoleum, but who is it dedicated to?

  4. Štefánik's tomb in Brezová pod Bradlom (the credit should go to iamakkaika12 though, I'm just finishing the job...)

  5. Impressive! With the correct accent marks for Štefánik too... Yes, it's Brezova, have you been there? All of these photo challenges are posted with links in the Eastern Europe forum on Lonely Planet's web page, people usually answer them there on that board, so this was actually guessed correctly by someone back in November. I just posted the latest challenge today though (#12) any ideas?
